Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Pexels.com

ALWAYS come from a place of love and the first place to start is with YOU. Remember the airline safety announcement, ‘strap yourself first before you attend to the person beside you’. That is a bloody good message. At first blush, it sounds selfish; that you are not caring for the infant or person next to you. But, if you yourself are not doing great, how could you give the best care to another?

I spent many days with tear stained pillows hoping for my knight in shining armour to come and sweep me off my feet. The lyrics to love songs did not help much as it fuelled the desire to keep looking out for something or someone to fill the void. Truth is, no one else is going to complete you. You and only you are responsible for that. So, nurture, nourish and enrich yourself with love, good thoughts, values, experiences and all the right sustenance so you can be the best version of yourself. All the parts inside of you are working well together to keep you going and you owe it to them to do the same. Spend time with yourself and get to know the real you. Take yourself out on dates. Find out what your interests are, your likes and dislikes. Walk into love with yourself. For date ideas, see the earlier post titled ‘A Date with Me.

When you start coming from a space of love, anger, jealousy evaporates. Love becomes the filter sifting through impurities and detoxes you from the unnecessary. This has guided me in both the understanding of myself and others. Having love at my core, I have naturally distanced myself from feelings, people and places who do not reverberate with similar frequencies. It has empowered me in a big way to take major life decisions and when I steer into doubt, love guides me back to safety and surety.

Look at yourself with love and say three things to yourself that you love about you. Take a moment, but say it. I Love Me!

Sharing my favourite quotes on love by Rumi :

“You are searching the world for treasure, but the real treasure is Yourself.”

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”

“Love yourself completely, return to the root of your own soul.”

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

“You are the soul of the soul of the Universe, and your name is Love.”

Go on and LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!! You are a unique human being!

Love and hugs,



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